
Ultimate FaceBook Tricks that You Never Knew!!-28

17 Sept 2013

1} Use any User's Profile pic as Emoticon in FB chatThis might not be the latest trick but many of us still don't know about it! Since 2011 Facebook allows us to use different profile pictures as smiley for chats. However, this trick does not work for status updates.

How To Do It:
Go to any Profile or Official page whose dp you want to use in chat
Have a look at their URL. For Eg. . Copy the UserName ie. "theepiblog" in the previous example.
Place that UserName in Double Square Brackets like [[theepiblog]]
Now Paste the entire stuff with the brackets in the chat. You will automatically see the Display picture of the profile or page in the chat window!

2} Making The Profile Picture Un-Clickable
Not everyone of us likes being extremely social. Some of us just like to be present on the web but not much involved. Using this trick you can make your Profile Picture unclickable so that no one can view it in full size!

How to Do It:
Go to Your Albums -> Profile Pictures
Look for your current Profile Picture
Change the privacy setting to "Just Me"

3} Tag Friends With NickNames!We can tag anyone amongst our friends in a status by simply using the @ symbol before their name. But what if you don't want to use their actual name in your status? How about tagging your friends with their nickname? This little trick will help you do it easily.

How To Do It:
First You need to Find out the numeric code corresponding to the profile of your Friends. Find out How to identify the Numeric code below.
After you get the code, copy the below code to add the link in your status.
Replace "YourPageID" with the Numeric Code and "Your Preferred Anchor Text" with the Nickname of your Friend.

4} Find Out the Numeric Code of any Facebook Profile

Linking to pages and profiles using the number codes like @@[0:[]] has become very popular these days. But many Facebook users don't know how to get these Codes. All you need to do is go to FindMyFacebookID and enter the Profile URL. You will immediately get the corresponding Numeric ID.

5} Selecting/ Removing All Friends at OnceImagine you are organizing an event and want to invite each and every friend amongst your Thousands of Facebook friends.I bet you wouldn't want to select each friend individually and waste your time. With a little trick you can select ALL you friends in just a few Clicks!

How To Do It:
Using Firefox, go to your Facebook page to invite all your Friends.
Instead of "Recent Interactions", select "All Friends". You will see all your friends in one list. Scroll to the bottom of your list.
Press Ctrl+Shift+K ( Ctrl+Shift+J for Chrome ). A small console box will appear. Paste the following code in the console.

javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};

All the Friends will be automatically selected ;)

6} Schedule Facebook Status/ Post for AdvanceDo you think you will not be able to stay online for a few days but want to be connected with Status updates? Well just schedule them for future and it will automatically update. While writing your status, click on the Clock icon below the status box. Set the Day and time according to your wish and Publish your status. It will automatically be published Later!

7} View Locked Profile Pictures (Full Size)Some People make their privacy settings so tight that strangers can't even have a look at their profile pictures. This can be a problem if you are searching for a friend but can't identify him/her with the small picture displayed in their profile. Now you can Magnify the profile pic with this little trick

How To Do It:
Visit the Profile whose Profile Picture you want to see.
Right Click on the displayed picture and select "Copy Image URL" or "Copy Image Location"
Open a new tab in the Browser and paste the URL. You will find "s160x160" in the URL, replace it with "s720x720" and hit Enter. Check Out the Examples Below-


You will see an enlarged version of the locked Profile Picture.

8} Identify Fake Facebook Profiles
Often we receive Friend Request from unknown people and we happily accept them. But we are unaware that they might be hackers trying to hack into your Facebook account. Read our previous Article on How to Identify Fake Facebook Accounts and stay safe from Hackers!

9} Download Entire Picture AlbumIt would be a great mess if you have to Download each and every photo of your friend's album and you do it manually. Well, you can download the entire Facebook Photo Album as a zip file and then sort out the unwanted pictures on your Desktop easily. Read our previous Article on How to Download Entire Facebook Albums and keep sharing Memories.

10} Make an Extremely Strong, UnHackable Password!Although there is no password that cannot be hacked, but following some tips you can make sure that your password is safe from sniffers and you don't have to compromise with your privacy. We have written many articles on Facebook Safety and precautions.
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